Give Them a Brake Driver Education Brakes

Bâton de direction postal SAFEDRIVE

Frais d'expédition calculés à l'étape de paiement.

Fini les épaules gauches explosées après avoir dû tendre la main pour saisir le volant toute la journée ! Présentation du SAFEDRIVE Postal Steering Stick, une conception basée sur les commentaires de dizaines de facteurs. Un moyen simple à utiliser et efficace de diriger la voiture du côté passager, communément appelé RHD ou Right Hand Drive. Vous pouvez même effectuer des virages complets à gauche et à droite.

D'une simple pression sur un bouton, le manche se déconnecte du point de fixation sur le volant et se remet en place en cas de besoin. La poignée sphérique offre une prise en main pratique et l'articulation flexible vous permet de positionner le siège de votre passager vers l'avant ou vers l'arrière pour un plus grand confort de conduite. Il est fabriqué en alliage d'aluminium léger pour minimiser la fatigue pendant une longue journée.

Le système est livré complet avec des instructions en couleur, le manche de direction de 22 pouces de long, une extension de 9 pouces en option (si vous préférez conduire avec la main droite ou avoir une cabine large), la fixation de la pince de volant, deux jeux de vis pour différentes épaisseurs de volants, des entretoises en caoutchouc pour une meilleure adhérence et une clé Allen. Vous n’avez besoin de rien d’autre pour l’installation. Placez simplement l'accessoire sur votre volant, serrez les deux vis avec la clé Allen, appuyez sur le bâton et vous êtes prêt à partir.

Après une courte formation (cela nous a pris environ 15 minutes), vous pouviez facilement conduire la voiture de boîte aux lettres en boîte aux lettres. Les virages demandent un peu plus de pratique et utiliser les deux mains sur le bâton était l'astuce. Nous nous sommes vraiment amusés à observer la réaction sur les visages des gens pendant notre passage !

Associez-le à l'extension de clignotant SAFEDRIVE pour faire fonctionner facilement votre clignotant du côté droit.

Veuillez vérifier auprès de votre maître de poste ou de votre responsable local pour obtenir l'approbation.

Cliquez ici pour les instructions d'installation.

Customer Reviews

Based on 94 reviews
Rob Sturgeon
There is a bit of a learning curve.

A very good quality product, well engineered and well made. Took me less than 5 minutes to install.

After installing my Pedal Pro Plus pedals and the Steering Stick I headed for an empty parking lot. There was a bit of a learning curve for me. I practiced for awhile (15 minutes?) on 2 occasions then tried approaching my and my neighbors mail boxes. That went OK.

The real test was getting out on the route delivering mail. I have been using this 5 days now. I am more comfortable using the included extension so I can use both hands to steer. I am already planning on making a second handle for my left hand. Each day I get a little more comfortable using this and am slowing getting my rhythm back.

This seems to be a much better solution to steering from the passenger seat than leaning over to my left all the time.

Jessica Johnson

Works great!

Bruce Dembraski
Veteran Rural Carrier Approved

Postal Carrier Brake and Gas Installed in 2017 Ford F150 4x4
Steering stick and blinker rod installed
I drive about 90 miles on the my route daily
I’ve been a rural carrier for 27 years, I started out sitting in the middle of a bench seat and delivered the mail that way for about 20 years, this resulted in both of my shoulders being injured by the repetitive reaching, after recovering from surgery I needed to have a right hand drive, I have driven a factory right hand drive jeep and a Chevy Colorado converted to right hand drive with an older two steering wheel and pedal setup.

This pedal and steering stick kit is easy to get used to and within a week I was driving very naturally.

My one worry was, if I needed to take sudden evasive action, would I be able to swerve and brake and control the vehicle. Just a few days in, a car started to pull out in front of me and I reacted just as I would have if I was behind the steering wheel, the road was snow covered, I was able to counter steer and regain control and fortunately the car stopped before pulling all the way out in front of me.

Although I did practice driving before the first day on the route, it took about two hours of driving on the route with concentrated attention to begin to feel comfortable, the first week I was considerably slower, and I purposely took my time defensively driving, however now after a few weeks I’m back to my usual pace of delivery.

The kit was easy to install and I took my time. The blinker rod was the only thing that really didn’t work as intended, it wouldn’t stay firmly in place and would slip off, I had to clamp and tape it to keep it from slipping off.

This kit allows me to have the vehicle I want instead of a high priced Jeep and to use the truck on the left hand side when not working. I really like it.

Brayden Naef
Conversion pedals/ postal stick.

Bought both for my wife and couldn't be happier. Installation was easy had it done in about 30mins, and product works just as advertised. The crazy prices of rhd vehicles along with the age of them is ridiculous! Buy a nicer better vehicle that's price better and isn't crazy to replace parts on and just add these things to it to convert it.

Aleta Walters

We bought and installed this product in my daughter's car and it's working great. The stock driving g is a little to get used to but as with anything new it's a learning curve